December 3, 2019

Cancer Update: Scan results and Boundaries

Well, today we are taking a break from When Things Fall Apart, but don't worry, there are still a few posts ready to finish analyzing this book.

In the meantime, here's an update.

I had my brains scanned a week or so ago, right? I got the results just a couple of days later, but I needed some time to process the information before I put it out there. As a reminder, I am very open about the horrors of this diagnosis most of the time, but that does not mean that I am obligated to share with you every medical detail of my life.

Anyway, there is good news: There no significant change to the size of my teeny-tiny tumor, so my doctor wants to stick with the current plan and re-check my brains in a few months. Right now, they are not worried about me, and from what I can tell, the lack of urgency on their part means that there is nothing to worry about doing.

I am doing maintenance chemo, and I am going to continue that for at least the next six months, I think, unless something significant changes in the scans of my brains. That part, I am not looking forward to. Chemo SUCKS,  and even though they say that oral chemo is supposed to be more easily tolerated than IV chemo, it still SUCKS.

For a little while, I was feeling really good, and now, I'm not. It happens. Nothing out of the ordinary for a patient with my diagnosis to feel good, then feel bad, then feel good again, and so forth and so on and what have you. It's a cycle.

Remember that bus that could hit me tomorrow? I feel like it just revved its engine to remind me that it's there, but luckily, for now, it's not going anywhere.

I am still frustrated by many parts of my diagnosis. I feel like there is so much waiting involved, and I am not a naturally patient person. Right now, I am at the point in the cycle where I am cranky, and tired, and generally grumpy. I know that I will feel better, because it is a cycle of ups and downs, but right now, I just want off this ride.


  1. Hello justifiably-grumpy friend! I’m glad the scan results showed no change, but sorry you’re feeling so cruddy. I’m up for walking Friday if you are. Also, I’m so excited about your Christmas gift, that I’m tempted to give it to you early. Love you!

  2. Hang in there love! We need to get together and cause some trouble soon lol I'm here if you need ANYTHING

  3. I love (all) of you. Feel better soon.

  4. No change is good. Continuing to pray and keep you in my thoughts daily.
