October 9, 2019

Still waiting - don't freak out

Okay, so last Friday, I got my post-treatment scan.

This week has been a never-ending hell of waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. Just endlessly waiting.

Tomorrow, I find out something resembling answers, hopefully. Let's talk about this.

On Diagnosis Day, The Husband and I found out a truly overwhelming amount of life-changing information. We spent hours meeting the oncology team, planning appointments, crying, learning about medications and side effects, signing paperwork, crying, learning our way around the cancer institute, and crying some more.

And then.

Radio silence.

We needed time to process everything that was happening and everything that was going to happen. People sent text messages, called, emailed, send FB messages. I ignored all of them for the better part of a week because I was busy crying and being mad at the world and my own body.

Eventually, we emerged from our hole to start telling people the news. From the beginning, it was so hard, and it kept on becoming more difficult with each person we had to tell, which led me to start this blog.

So, I need to remind you that I have boundaries and what that means is that although I have made every effort to be open about this entire terrible process, that does not mean that anyone has the right to my medical information. Tomorrow we find out... something. We will process that information as we do. Once we are ready, that information might be disseminated via the blog, phone calls, FB, or not at all. Right now, we just don't know.

I know that waiting to hear from us is hard, but just try to imagine how hard it has been for us!