August 3, 2019

Cool Haircut and a Clarification


Some of you may have seen my cool new haircut:

First, I want to say, I love this haircut so much. The first time I had this haircut, I was 19 years old. I have had this haircut at least a handful of times in the subsequent almost 20 years. With this haircut, I've been asked if I'm a lesbian (as if a haircut is all it takes). With this haircut, I've been called sir (which is hilarious to me). With this haircut, I've had to buy hats because I forget how warm hair is. With this haircut, I've felt more like me.

I've cut my hair this short for so many reasons: rebellion, needing a change, laziness, a general sense of why not? Mostly, laziness.

When I first posted this picture on FB, I got so many kind words of strength and solidarity, so many likes and loves and people cheering me on and sending good vibes. I never expected to have such strong reactions from so many of my friends and family, and I so appreciate every nice comment and encouraging thing everyone has shared.

But I wanted to clarify something, because this is one of those things that is definitely more than my diagnosis here.

I had short hair in 2006 when I lived in Texas:

 I had short hair when I went skydiving with The Husband in 2010:

I had short hair on this trip to San Diego with The Husband in 2011:

I have had short or shaved hair so many times. Many of you have known me when I've had longer hair, but the truth is that I never feel more myself than when I have very short hair. The first time I met The Husband, I had a shaved head. When I feel like I'm spending too much time fighting my curls, I cut them off.

I've had a love/hate relationship with my hair for as long as I can remember. I have tried to learn to love my hair, but what I have learned is that I love my hair the most when I have the least of it.

I feel most myself when I have very short hair.

This means that, while I greatly appreciate all of the kind words of encouragement, I want you all to know that this Cool Haircut is not actually a Cancer Haircut. It is actually just a haircut because I like my hair short.

It also helps that after the second brain surgery, someone spilled a giant glob of surgical skin glue in my hair, and it was driving me absolutely crazy!


  1. You are beautiful no matter hair or no hair.
    I love you Mel.

  2. Truth....I've seen you more with short hair than with long hair and you rock it every time. I also have had long and short hair stages in my life. Right now I'm loving my short hair.

  3. You always could rock a buzzzzzz cut.

  4. You are an awesome person. So many wonderful things about you make me proud to be able to say you are my friend. Love the hair, but it wouldn't matter what sure you are rocking, I just love you.

  5. I love the short hair and when you get back to work, I will absolutely call you "Sir" if it keeps you smiling!!! Fall is coming quickly and we MISS YOU! Tim

  6. Oh I just love this post!! You look amazing in all those pics, totally wish I could rock short hair, the best I can do is a bob haha
