August 16, 2019

A short update, and introducing: Read with me? The Power

Yesterday, I had a hard day. Yesterday, I was not more than my diagnosis. Yesterday, I could not escape the word cancer hovering over my head, so I slept, then I cried, then I slept some more, then I cried some more. Then I took some valium, because sometimes the best you can do is get some chemical help.

Today, I am more than my diagnosis. So I've decided what book to read next. If you would like to read with me, check out the info below:

The Power
This book was on my wish list, and a very dear friend sent it to me, so this is the one I am reading next. I will probably wait about a week to start reading it, so if you would like to read with me, let me know, and I will wait until a good few of us have copies ready and are ready to start.

In the meantime, I need to finish eating breakfast and take my morning meds, because I have a friend coming over soon. Sometimes, it's all about keeping busy!


  1. I am so glad that today seems to be a better day. Days like yesterday are going to happen but you are strong and you are going to get through them. I am always here if you need me.

  2. I'll read with you! We can do that after our walks.
