September 14, 2020

wheels and a walker

Well hello again after all these weeks. 

I walked into the hospital using a cane. I came out needing a wheelchair. What I never expected was to be released handicapped fully unable to walk. And it was a chemo week so I was simply to tired to deal with this mess. So the Husband bought a wheelchair, a walker etc. While I slept, and he dealt with MY INSURANCE CANCELING. My former employer couldn't hold my position anymore, which means I am unemployed, and for a little bit I was uninsured. For those few minutes I was prescribed a medicine that cost several hundred dollars without insurance, and all that medical equipment came out of our pockets. Husband got every thing figured out but we have a new deductible (thousands of dollars higher) with a premium that is almost triple what i had to pay before. This is a bit of a struggle, never mind the fact that I need to become accustomed to being disabled. My legs simply don't work.  I have (had) a dvt, I have continued weakness in the other leg after that fall way back when, so no working legs, so unless I can get an octopus to donate some functioning legs to me i get to hang my out in my wheel chair and walker..i haven't been in the mood to blog. Or do anything. I don't want to leave the house, except on chemo days when I don't have a choice. Moral of the story. Appreciate your functioning legs while you can. 2 years ago I ran a 5k of which I'm so proud and I am just pushing to get my legs back in order to do another one at the end of the year. Man cancer sucks. 

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