May 1, 2020

Cancer Update

Yep, still have cancer.

I told you before that I was getting a port. That dealy-bob is in place, and itching like a mofo. I've started the new treatment protocol, which involves a chemo and a non-chemo medicine. The chemo SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS. The non-chemo is kind of okay, I guess, all things considered.

Side effects of all of the above include fatigue (ha!) nausea, and other things I don't want to talk about because of the sheer unpleasantness.

This means I've been sleeping a LOT.

I'm still doing my writing group; keep an eye out, I'll continue to occasionally post my super-cool super-angsty poetry.

Oh, while I'm here, I am pretty sure I've not mentioned this here before: Say hello to the seizures I've had:

They are super mild, and not very frequent. As best we can tell, I've had three in the last four months. I'm not what one might call epileptic, but it turns out that when some Rockstar Neurosurgeon digs around in your brains enough times, the result might be occasional short circuits in your wiring. We told the Rockstar Neurosurgeon about my symptoms, and he said that sounds like it was probably a seizure. I've not had one in the presence of a medical person, so The Husband has been the only one to witness what happens. At this point, it's a best guess diagnosis until it happens in front of someone medical.

Anyway, if it's not one thing, it's another.

I've been struggling with the inspiration for this blog. Maybe next time I'll write about my most recent favorite movie [spoiler: it's Troop Zero].

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