November 8, 2019

Cancer update: Things that have been happening.

I've spent so much time thinking about other things that I realized that I haven't really had any cancer updates lately. So here it goes.

I am at the boring stage of cancer. Of course, there's the vomiting, the dehydration, the fatigue. There's the feeling like I have ADHD because my attention span has significantly decreased. There's the multiple naps I take every day because the body is working hard to repair all I've been through. There's the change in medications and the change in appetite.

None of this particularly interesting to me. I'm sure there are some who might worry that I am wasting away on my deathbed, but the majority of the time, I am just napping on the couch.

I'm still not driving because my eyesight still hasn't returned to normal (which Rockstar Neurosurgeon said could take several months). I'm in my house almost all day unless someone wants to come pick me up to go somewhere while The Husband is at work. Honestly, though, since it is finally starting to get chilly, I am perfectly content cocooning up in a blanket in my house.

So, during the day, I write, or nap. Play with the dog. Read from my book. The Husband comes home from work and we figure out the dinner situation. We empty the trash and wash the dishes.

Remember back when I said that cancer was boring?

It still is.


  1. Boring could be good..?:/ love u mel

  2. I’m sorry to bow out today but I’m getting worse rather than better, and definitely don’t want to pass it along. I’ll be doing a few hours at your local elementary’s STEM Day on the 26th. Would you be interested in tagging along?
