October 13, 2020

not so awesome news

Short update-I got some news today to update, I am still processing this information I've mentioned before that I am in a wheelchair/walker but,I am no longer able to use the walker. the paralysis has progressed to the point that I have a1most no sensation left in my left arm or my left han dor my left leg. This makes it unreasonable. to propel myself in a wheelchair let alone hold myself up in a walker when I have no feeling. no strength no sensation in my left arm So I need an electric wheelchair for my one functional hand. I met with my Rockstar Neurosurgeon. My tumor is essentially inoperable if he goes in after it I will NOT wake up. I don't need second opinions from Drs Google and remember it is not my responsibility to comfort you if you feel sad that this thing is growing in my skull.

I asked the Rockstar NueuroSurgeon if it appeared possible 1 would walk again?

With the location and size of my tumor it is inoperable and any deficits from which I suffer are likely permanent



  1. So sorry to hear, sending hugs & praying for your comfort.

  2. Thinking of you, as well as others. Stay strong for us!
