January 30, 2020

More Scanxiety

Last week, I had a brain scan.

On Friday, I met with the oncologist. There were more questions than answers. On Tuesday, I met with the neurosurgeon. Even more questions.

It may be anything from 2-6 weeks before I get more answers. Please don't take this to mean that we must panic for the next 2-6 weeks.

It means that we wait. Impatiently. Anxiously. But not panicked.

To pass the time, I am writing (more than just the blog!) and staying inside because I do NOT want the flu.

Anyway. Good times.

So how's everybody doing out there in the interwebs? Read anything interesting lately?


  1. Interesting is quite subjective. I'm doing the Faculty PD book club on the book Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning. You decide if that is interesting. I'm not even able to recall the title of the book that you and I did for the book club a couple of years ago. Makes me wonder if this one will stick.

    1. The one two years ago was about collaborative learning by Michael something. I have it around here somewhere. The one last year (that I really liked) was Small Teaching(?) but I don't remember who wrote it. I'm sure I could track it down but it would take me a minute. I've heard of Make it Stick. I remember that it sounded interesting. I wish I could take part in the book club again. I always enjoyed those.
