July 15, 2019

Day 1 is Done: Overwhelmed

First day of chemo and radiation is done.

I don't want to sit here and bemoan the nausea, the headache, or any of the other unpleasantness. Instead, I will say that the first treatment went exactly as planned. The radiation therapists and radiation oncologist were all pleased with the way things went, and I actually got out of there just a little faster than initially anticipated because things went so well.

I really don't know what else to say. I've been overwhelmed by the generosity of family, friends, coworkers, and so many others in the community. The support from all of you has meant so much to me. It's so rare that I am speechless, yet here I am, completely at a loss of words.

So many of you are reaching out to me through texts, fb comments and messenger, comments here, and every other way. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and support. I want you all to know that I am getting your messages, and I promise that I am not ignoring you.

For now, I will update as often as I can, but more than anything else, I am resting as much as I can.

Thank you again, all of you, for your support.

If you want to help me, here are some things that I could use:

My Amazon Wish List: There are gift cards listed here because any amount will help pay for gas or groceries. 

My Second Amazon Wish List: These are comfort items, things that I think will help make me more comfortable over the next several weeks that I will be home. These things might not necessarily be needed, but will absolutely help keep me positive and prepared to fight.

  • In this second wish list, you might notice many Wonder Woman items. I am drawing strength and confidence from Wonder Woman, and will be wearing something with her logo on it every single day of my treatment. It may seem silly, but these little symbols help me. 

My CashApp: I hate to even ask, but if you are willing and able to donate any amount at all, it would help me pay for gas, groceries, and other necessities, especially while I am not working.

Right now, we are still considering creating a GoFundMe, if we do so, any help in spreading the word will be greatly appreciated.


  1. Stay strong you got this #wonderwoman

  2. So glad the day went well. Thinking and praying good things to be in store for you.
